Golconda Fort

This was our first outing out of the office.  It was a lot of fun.  You go through the outer gate in the car then there is this village.  Very small road with buses autos cars people all trying to go down it.
Boys on the way home from school. We are in the car, street was very crowded.
When we pulled up to the entrance Val was talking to the driver and kids were coming up to me and shaking my hand.  Then mom would then teenage boys they also wanted to get a picture with me there were 20 people around I didn't dare hand my camera to some stranger and Val was busy so that will be a memory not a picture.

Entrance or gate to fort.

Hindu Temple

Hitec City


King's way.  King would be carried on type of cart with sticks and two short men in back and two tall men in front carrying him down the stairs.

Cute boy, parents love the children's picture taken.

Our tour guide
Fahana her fiance and his mother.


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