Celebrating 30 years of Marriage
On April 21, 1984 Val and I started off on our adventure of married life. Well we have been adventuring for thirty years and more in love than when we started. Over the years we have learned that taking time out of our busy lives is important so we started going on anniversary trips. This year I wanted to do something big like go to Hawaii. well as we looked into Hawaii we decided we needed at least a week to do it justice and we didn't have time right now so I planned a far more exciting trip. to Mono Lake California. The ocean was enticing but I wanted a new place but not to much traveling so I found a place I hadn't been before. The travel there was long because we had to drive through the snow and put on chains. Our goal for this trip was to have fun be together and take photos, so we stopped often and took photos. i'm putting most of the photos on my photo blog. I'm putting the snapshots on this blog that tell the story of our trip. Here is...