Trip to see children and grandboys: Part 3
After a day of travel we made it to Utah and got to see the boys before they went to bed. they had been watching our progress on their iPad so they knew where we were. When we got to their house Colin was asleep in his swing no one else was there. we looked high and low and found them in the back under the porch hiding from us.
Friday we all went to Salt Lake to pick up Emma from the airport who had had her own adventure with the young women in our ward. We went to Temple Square.

I had a wonderful time visiting family. Its not what we do but who we do it with that makes it memorable. I love my family so much. The time went by so fast. Now we can keep the memories in our hearts.
Friday we all went to Salt Lake to pick up Emma from the airport who had had her own adventure with the young women in our ward. We went to Temple Square.
Standing in the place we were engaged 30 years ago.
That evening we decorated Easter eggs. Everyone had fun dyeing the eggs and even fingers.
Saturday morning we had three Easter egg hunts.
Saturday for lunch we met the Cook's at Zupas' best food ever. It was so good to see the family and have a chance to talk.
I had a wonderful time visiting family. Its not what we do but who we do it with that makes it memorable. I love my family so much. The time went by so fast. Now we can keep the memories in our hearts.
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