Returning Home Via New Country

On Saturday we were going to go do some site seeing but wen we looked out our plain schedule we didn't have time so we went to the garden by the Hotel.  it was lots of fun we took pictures it was very pretty.  sometimes you have to go off the beaten path to experience life. It was beautiful.  There was a newlywed couple getting their photos take I asked if I could take their picture.  They were so fun. Here are some of the pictures I took.
Backside of water.

On our flight home we had a 6 hour layover in Taiwan.  We ventured out to see  some  sights.  we  went to a temple it was very beautiful.  wish we could have been there during the day.
It took us longer to get to the shrine and back I was very glad to get back into the airport in time.  Out bus ride was slow the bus went about 50 mph with everyone speeding past.  it too and hour and 40 minuets to get there.  Then we caught a  subway to the shrine. It was about 10 pm so it was dark.  We took a lot of pictures for 30 min then retraced our steps..  This would have been easy if the bus picked us up where    it dropped us  off.  We asked directions many times getting closer each time, finally I ask a lady with a suitcase if she was going to  the airport.  She said no that bus is across that street and in that building..  We were looking for a bus pick up outside and it was but you had to go through a building where  you purchased tickets.  We had purchased round trip tickets which helped us find were to go Because we could say how do we find this bus.  We did make it back to the airport and  almost through security.  In Taiwan they didn't like my mono-pod ((for my camera) so they wanted us to check it.  We told them we  had just laid over and    our bags were already on the plain.  They got us a box to put it in and taped it up Val was going to have to take it back  and check it  then the security  guard said we could take it on as long as we kept it in the box.  we did and were very grateful.


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